
About Me

I have no idea if this blogging thing is for me, if I am even a good writer, dedicated picture take, etc but what the heck I'm willing to give it a shot!

So lets see real quick, I'm a 30-something living outside of Philadelphia. I was born and raised around these parts too. Degree in the eve glamorous world of Finance, I do Crossfit and occasionally run, and I have several nieces and nephews who I'd say I'm pretty close with. Well closer than I remember being with my Aunt and Uncles. I have 1 biological brother who happens to be almost 10 years older. I'm a Daddy's Girl and my Mom passed away when I was 23 of heart disease/attacks - another reason I am so into health I guess.

So this Crossfit stuff....I'll spare you the rehetoric and let you tube and my gym's blog be your guide. Anyway along the way of doing it I discovered that I like it and that I also have this gluten intolerance issue. So yes, no bread, crackers, english muffins with peanut butter or beer for this girl.

So I guess thats me in a nutshell.